LAB ASSIGNMENT 10 – Installing and Exploring Linux


Materials Needed:



Step 1: Install Linux

  • Using the installation CDs, install Linux

(Note: some of you will be asked to install Linux as a client, while others will install Linux as a server)

Step 2: Explore Linux (1)

  • Log into the Linux that you have just installed and explore the system using the graphical user interface

Step 3: Explore Linux (2)

  • Connect to
  • Explore the system using the command line
    • What is the IP address for
    • What is the port number used for the web server on
    • Use man httpd to find information about httpd (the http demeon). [Use the space bar to go to the next page, CTRL-Z to exit.] What is the full        name of httpd?
    • Use the which command to find where httpd is located. Which path is             for the program and which is for the files?
    • Locate the httpd.conf file. Type more httpd.conf to view the contents of the file a page at a time. Locate the line for wsummers in this file. Where can I put my cgi-bin scripts and programs?
    • View the httpd.conf file.
      • What port number is used by this server?
      • Where does e-mail go when problems are identified?
      • What is the amount of time for timeouts?
      • What is the the number of clients who can simultaneously connect to the server?
      • Who is the server administrator?
      • Where is the default file for located?
    • Look in the error.log file.
      • What type of error is usually found in this log?
      • What information is found in each entry of this log file?